Sunday, June 28, 2009

Summer is here at LAST!

I was asked to do a photo that to ME represented life in Sacramento...right now.  Well...with the crazy 105 temperature....My first thought were how we live and die by the water here in Sactown.  When it gets warm...we live at on our boats at the lake or river, we float down the river in big yellow rafts (getting horrible sunburns in the process)...we swim at the lake, in our pool, in the river.  If you don't OWN a FIND someone who does!

So I first set out to get some pictures of the river..with people rafting.  The lake and people boating.  In the process, I got the top picture of the kayaks, which I really like.  This was taken out at the Aquatic Center at Natomas Lake.  Very cool place, if you've never been there.

Finally, with my hot and tired kids in tow, we finally headed home.  My kids the whole time kept saying...DAD!  Can't we just go home and swim??  Can't we just go swim??

Well...later that day, sitting in the pool...with my kids and a neighbor kid jumping and playing in the pool...I realized.....THIS is MY life in Sacramento in the summer.  My pool.  Because during the summer, I don't want to be anywhere else but my own home, in or beside my pool...with my kids swimming and yelling, and a tri-tip on the BBQ!

I grabbed my camera and had the kids take turns doing their bust jumps and dives into the pool.  The result was a neighbor kid, John, who would do the best swan dive/belly flop.

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