I was wanting to continue my work on the homeless images I started doing. For the final project in one of my color photography classes, I decided to incorporate some of this work with the class.
I was trying to decide how I wanted to introduce color to these images...since I prefer them in black and white. I feel that they are LIVING in a black and white world. And that was when I was hit with this idea. It IS a black and white world for them...
I decided to use the color of a red umbrella. My thought was to be that the red umbrella would represent society....with all its protection, security and comfort. But these individuals are living OUTSIDE that comfort of the umbrella.
The first image is of a man of comfort. Retired, spending the morning at the golf course. The umbrella of society safely over his head.
The next image is of a homeless man, sitting, looking away from the umbrella. Does he even know it's THERE? Is it simply a matter of him reaching out and picking it up...holding it over his head. Can he rejoin society That easily? Is it just a matter of choice for him? But he doesn't even look that way. Maybe he doesn't even realize it COULD be that easy. Or maybe it isn't.
The third image is of a man, talking on his iPhone..standing in front of a Mercedes. Hmmm....nothing seems to say wealth in our society like a brand new Mercedes.
The fourth image is of a man I met in the park. Talking to him, I learned that he hates the "establishment" (who still uses this word?)..the government....the masses. They are all out to get us...or him...or maybe me, he says. But according to him..he chooses the live he lives. Ironically, for all his talk about hate...he smiled easily and readily, and patted me on the back a lot. He was quick with a smile and quick with a joke. I decided in this image to have him standing on the umbrella...as a symbol that HE chooses to ignore the umbrella...not pick it up, but to step on it instead.
The last image I find kind of ironic. Here is a lady, all wrapped up for the rain. Her belongings are wrapped in plastic bags to keep them dry, and she is wrapped up in a cheap rain cover. She is sitting there being rained on. And right next to her...leaning against the wall with...Indifference?....is the umbrella. How easily it could cover her. But, ironically...it's not even being USED. Just sitter their, while she get's rained on.
Oh...and I am including a bonus picture. The second homeless man, Darnell, posed for several pictures for me. I ended up with one that I felt really captured the whimsical nature of this man on the street, so I am posting that one, as well.
And don't worry...as always each of the homeless that posed for me was bought lunch and had the chance to sit with me and tell me their story. I find that more than the meal, the appreciate two things from me. Someone to listen to their story...to be interested, ask questions and really HEAR them. The second being physical contact. It's amazing the power of a hug...but I find that these people I shoot almost are happiest with the hug at the end...and afterward, the keep patting me on the back and shaking my hand.
I'm thinking they don't get a lot of hugs living on the street.....